Supporting Employment & Education for Individuals

Price: $10.00


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Support in returning to school or employment after any kind of mental health challenge can be a key piece in helping people regain control of their life and avoiding a lifetime of disability, inactivity, and stigma. But people challenged by the confusing and/or extreme experiences commonly called “psychosis” often don’t get such assistance, sometimes because helpers may not understand the difficulties being encountered or know what kind of support might be useful. To help remedy that, this webinar will explore perspectives and strategies borrowed from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for psychosis and from the Hearing Voices Movement, approaches that support workers, friends, and family members can use to help people achieve their educational and employment goals.

Ron Unger, LCSW: Ron is a therapist and educator specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis, a facilitator for a hearing voices group, and a supervisor for a peer support specialist team. His work is informed by personal and family experience of psychosis. He chairs the education committee of ISPS-US, and blogs at