The Mysticism / Psychosis Continuum w. Jules Evans

Price: $10.00


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Join Jules Evans  as he will examine the thesis that mystical and psychotic experiences are on a continuum of experience, that mystical experiences can often contain quasi-psychotic aspects and psychotic experiences can often contain spiritual aspects. It will draw on his research on the history of ecstatic experiences, the nature of ‘spiritual emergencies’ and his present work on difficult psychedelic experiences. He will argue that we need better cultural literacy regarding ecstatic experiences, and this may change how we relate to psychosis in western cultures.

Jules Evans is the director of the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project and the author of four books including The Art of Losing Control (2017) and Breaking Open: Finding a Way Through Spiritual Emergency (2020 - co edited with Tim Read). He writes a weekly newsletter on the integration of ecstatic experiences at