Creative Approaches to Voices, Visions and Other..

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When words do not suffice, how do we find ways to express ourselves? Learn more about strategies incorporating the use of art, drama, and movement, which allow individuals to both externalize and concretize their unique experiences. Techniques are focused on expanding modes of communication, decreasing isolation, and exploring potential for role play, role expansion and humor.


Tami Gatta, LCAT
Tami Michelle Gatta is a graduate of NYU’s Steinhardt School, where she earned her MA in Drama Therapy. A Licensed Creative Arts Therapist, she has chosen to further her trauma studies in both the US and abroad. In 2013, Tami became the first American to complete a 3-month externship with Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor in respite care and alternatives to hospitalization for individuals navigating voices, visions and other experiences deemed “psychosis”. In 2015, Tami began speaking more openly about her own trauma history and mental health struggles, ultimately becoming a Certified Peer Specialist. In 2016, she graduated from the Institute for Arts in Psychotherapy, where she went on to become Co-Director. In 2017, Tami was presented with the World Hearing Voices Congress Award for “Outstanding Contribution to the Growth and Development of the International Hearing Voices Movement”. Tami is the founder of Tami Gatta Mental Health Counseling, PLLC pending, where she provides individual psychotherapy and trauma-informed supervision to peers, students, clinicians and supervisors. She is also the co-founder of Curious Rebels, LLC, a CE granting, training and consulting firm, which offers professional support series on mental health and staff retention, the incorporation of peer specialists into the workforce, trauma-informed care, vicarious resilience, as well as a 3-year post-graduate program geared towards using improvisation and embodiment as a means of healing. Tami is a co-founder of Hearing Voices Network NYC, where she is a primary trainer in the Hearing Voices Movement. Tami is committed to ongoing personal growth, and emphasizes queer-empowering, anti-racist, fat liberation work that addresses historic and present inequities in mental health treatment.