Metacognitive Reflection & Insight Therapy

Price: $10.00


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Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) is a form of integrative individual psychotherapy that seeks to assist adults diagnosed with psychosis to make sense and meaning of the challenges and possibilities in their lives and to find ways to manage these and direct their own recovery. Building from advances in both cognitive and interpersonal research, MERIT seeks to expand the boundaries of cognitive-behavioral, personal centered and psychodynamic approaches to treatment by focusing on how persons make sense of their experiences of their own purposes and place in the world allowing the development of a sense of belonging to our larger communities. In contrast to other approaches, MERIT focuses on core processes that should be present in a given session, rather than a predetermined curriculum. This allows for a therapy can be truly tailored to meet the needs of unique individuals in real world clinics while also unlocking therapists unique potential for creativity as they seek to jointly make meaning with the person diagnosed with psychosis. This webinar presents the scientific basis for MERIT as well as detailed descriptions of its practice allowing practitioners to begin to think about how to integrate this approach into their practice.